Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Checklist for the Successful Prevention of Behavior Problems--49 Ideas That Can Help

  1. _____    Change pace of lesson to meet needs of students
  2. _____    Provide transition activities between assignments
  3. _____    Make sure students know the relevance of their assignments
  4. _____    Deliver instructions in at least two modalities
  5. _____    Praise good behavior as often as possible
  6. _____    Teach and reteach classroom procedures
  7. _____    Enforce classroom rules consistently and fairly
  8. _____    Call a student’s home while a problem is still manageable
  9. _____    Contact a student’s home early in the year to create a supportive relationship
  10. _____    Stand in the same area of the classroom when asking for student attention
  11. _____    Set reasonable and clear boundaries and help students observe them
  12. _____    Present yourself in a professional manner at all times while you are at school
  13. _____    Be specific when giving directions
  14. _____    Make sure that your behavior directives are positive in tone
  15. _____    Listen patiently when students are expressing themselves
  16. _____    Provide a mixture of activities so that students can be successful
  17. _____    Celebrate your students’ successes
  18. _____    Make sure students have clearly expressed and obtainable goals
  19. _____    Design and deliver engaging instructional activities that encourage active learning
  20. _____    Model the courtesy you want from your students
  21. _____    Provide motivational activities to inspire your students to want to learn
  22. _____    Use encouragement to make sure that students know what to do to be successful.
  23. _____    Establish classroom signals so that students can seek help appropriately.
  24. _____    Follow school rules and observe school policies. Help your students to do the same.
  25. _____    Try to ignore as much of the small stuff as you can.
  26. _____    Make student success as visible as possible. Let students see their successes.
  27. _____    Offer appropriate tangible rewards as often as necessary and effective.
  28. _____    Encourage students to work together and help each other learn.
  29. _____    Move close to a student who is just beginning to misbehave.
  30. _____    Don’t turn your back on a class.
  31. _____    Don’t ever leave a classroom unattended.
  32. _____    Pay attention to the signs that your students are starting to be restless. Change the                    activity sooner rather than later.
  33. _____    Offer plenty of formative assessments so that your students will know what to do.
  34. _____    Stop horseplay as you as you can. It can quickly escalate into trouble.
  35. _____    Avoid giving students “free time.”
  36. _____    Carefully monitor your students throughout class. Move around.
  37. _____    Start to build positive and caring relationships with your students early in the year.
  38. _____    Present yourself as a well-prepared, knowledgeable teacher who is clearly in charge.
  39. _____    Never lower your academic or behavioral expectations for your students.
  40. _____    Offer help individually and to larger groups.
  41. _____    Try offering your students as many options about their work as possible.
  42. _____    Set up the traffic flow in your class so that students can move around easily.
  43. _____    Say, “What are you doing to help yourself learn right now?”
  44. _____    Make it easy for students to be willing to take a risk by encouraging an atmosphere of                tolerance.
  45. _____    Be so prepared for class that you can focus on your students .
  46. _____    Pay attention to the things that tend to trigger misbehavior and address them early.
  47. _____    Provide activities where students can interact productively with each other .
  48. _____    Arrange the desks in your classroom so that you can see every student and every                student can see you.
  49. _____    Have students settle to work as soon as they enter class by providing them with                engaging and useful bell work activities.

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