Sunday, August 15, 2021

 Part Nine of a Series Just for New teachers

Let the Cause of the Misbehavior Guide Your Reaction

In this series of posts, I offer suggestions to new teachers for ways to manage and support students who may be challenging, difficult, and disruptive. The suggestions here come from the presentations I made in pre-pandemic times when I was fortunate enough to spend days at a time working with rooms filled with teachers. I am looking forward to the time when we can all safely gather in large groups to share ideas and strategies again. However, until that time comes around, here is some information that may help you deal successfully with your students so that you and they can have a positive and productive school year.

If you want to help students develop the behaviors that will allow them to succeed in school and to learn to self-regulate their actions, you first must consider what is causing them to choose the behaviors that they are exhibiting in your class. Here are are few suggestions for looking beyond the misbehavior to discover the cause that can eventually lead to a successful resolution of the problem.

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