Great Teachers Are Determined Teachers |
Even the most stalwart of us finds it hard to be a consistent and dedicated professional when the weather outside is warm and flower are blooming and students are tired of being cooped up inside after a long winter. As tempting as it is to give into the lure of Spring Fever and just let students have a day or two or three relax things a bit... now is not a good time to forget the importance of what we do. Here is a little checklist of reminders to help us all stay resolute in our desire to help students achieve their goals.
_____Today I will encourage and motivate my students to be
self-disciplined rather than demand compliance.
_____Today I will provide my students with interesting,
well-paced lessons that are designed to help as many of them learn as much as
possible in the short time they are with me.
_____Today I will treat every student as a worthy individual
whose contributions are important to the entire class.
_____Today I will be generous with praise and appreciation for
the good things my students do.
_____Today I will be sure my students understand the immediate
and future value of the material I teach.
_____Today I will be consistent in enforcing rules and in
maintaining high standards
_____Today I will convince my students that I believe they can
all be successful in my class.
_____Today I will give prompt feedback so that my students know
what they have done well and what they still need to do to improve.
_____Today I will assume responsibility for the discipline
climate in my classroom.
_____Today I will plan ways to prevent discipline problems from
disrupting the successful atmosphere I want in my classroom.
_____Today I will take actions that will keep misbehavior from
escalating into larger problems.
_____Today I will provide lessons that will use my students’ time
wisely from the start to the end of class.
_____Today I will help my students set goals for themselves so
that they have a larger reason for learning than just complying with my
_____Today I will be organized and efficient because I know that
a disorganized and inefficient teacher often creates academic and behavior
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