Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summertime Thoughts about School

Like most other teachers, I find it impossible to completely be on vacation during the summer. I think about school. I think about what I could have done better last year, and I look ahead to the things that I know I can improve in the upcoming year. In doing some research, I found these three helpful documents stored away on my computer. They are from the DVD professional development kit that accompanies the First-Year Teacher's Survival Guide.  I found them helpful in guiding my thinking about school and the ways that I can be a better teacher. Feel free to use them to inform your summertime school thoughts as well.

Teacher Worksheet 7.6: How to Create a Useful Teacher Binder
Although a teacher’s binder is a very personal set of documents, dependent on the needs of the teacher and the types of courses and student that teacher has to manage; there are some items that are almost indispensible in any teacher binder.
·        Your professional goals
·        A to-do list for your professional life
·        A list of positive labels about students
·        Lists of activities to refer to energize your instruction
·        Copy of Bloom’s Taxonomy
·        List of Gardner’s multiple intelligences
·        Tips for teaching study skills
·        Grading reminders such as due dates or grading scales
·        A school year calendar
·        An outline of the instructional plan for the year, semester, or grading period
·        Personally inspiring items such as uplifting quotations or notes from students
·        Seating charts
·        List of classroom chores for students to manage
·        Ideas for integrating technology
·        Class rosters
·        Techniques for managing various classroom problems
·        Lists of Internet resources to explore
·        Stress management techniques
Teacher Self-Assessment 7.7: My Professional Goals This Year
Semester 1 Progress
Semester 2 Progress
Teacher Worksheet 7.8: A Teacher’s To-Do List

Phone Calls Concerning Students


Parent or Guardian: Name and Number:_____________________________________________      

Date and Time:_________________________________________________________________


Outcome:_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Other Phone Calls

_____________________________________________________________________________________Emails to Send


Parent Conferences


Parent’s Name and Number:______________________________________________________________         

Date and Time:_________________________________________________________________________

Reason:______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Outcome:_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Other Meetings


After-School/Extra Duty Responsibilities

Items to Duplicate


Lesson Plans or Projects to Complete


Great Websites or Other Resources to Explore


